Information Center

Information Center

Information Center is located at Egilsstaðir campsite.
It provides information about travelling in the Egilsstaðir area and about the available services.
We have the answer to various questions about East Iceland .
We also offer coffee, cold drinks, ice creams, souvenirs, post cards, stamps and bus tickets .

Information center opening hours :

*1st–31st of May from 8:30 to 15:00 (only weekdays)
*1st of June–31st of August from 8:00 to 17:00 (ALL days)
*1st–30th of September from 8:30 to 15:00 only weekdays)
Closed in low season!

Contact info

Kaupvangur 17,

700 Egilsstaðir

Phone : +354 470-0750 Email: for information about surroundings

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